Monday, January 19, 2009

Avoid Free Day At Any Cost

My mother, the boys, and I traveled to Indianapolis today for a trip to The Children's Museum. I have been to the museum on MLK day many many times, as it is always right around Ty's birthday. I am not sure if it has always been free, though I know it has for a few years, and I never remember the crowds being so big, but it was a madhouse. After fighting through the construction to get a parking spot, and finally getting in, we discovered what seemed to be a million people(actually they told us 15,000) were crowded inside. They were using sheriff to direct traffic on the ramps-inside! NUTS! We skipped over quite a bit, and poor Trevor missed out on Playscape due to lines wrapping around the ramps, but Ty enjoyed all that he was able to see-especially the comic book exhibit! I enjoyed Bazbeaux's and a cold Amstel Light following the whole experience. The lesson here: Never attend free day in a bad economy, and if you are going to, make sure you can get to a cold beer quickly after leaving! Let it be said, that it is also wise to take grandma if you intend to brave the crowds....and wait until the last minute to tell her it is free day...and get her to that cold beer as fast as you can drive!


Zesty said...

Make that TWO cold beers!!!
(Did you mention there were 15,000 people there??)

Beth said...

Wow! That I've never been to Bazbeauz, but I've heard it's really good. There would definitely need to be some light at the end of that tunnel.