Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hope for the Future

Today was such an incredible day in the history of our country. Like most of the world I watched as Barack Obama became the leader of our proud nation. I watched from IUK, among a room full of young and old, and I cried tears of joy for the future that is now possible for my children, the children my sister could be one step closer to having, and the safety of the child that my sister-in-law is raising. This was a scene of great hope, and excitement. I came home and discussed with Phil what WE intend to do to help in seeing this country succeed. As the President said, it is time to roll up our sleeves and get to work. Tonight as I rest my head, I pray for the new leader, his family, and the families all over this country who will no doubt be forever changed by these events. God Bless America!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Avoid Free Day At Any Cost

My mother, the boys, and I traveled to Indianapolis today for a trip to The Children's Museum. I have been to the museum on MLK day many many times, as it is always right around Ty's birthday. I am not sure if it has always been free, though I know it has for a few years, and I never remember the crowds being so big, but it was a madhouse. After fighting through the construction to get a parking spot, and finally getting in, we discovered what seemed to be a million people(actually they told us 15,000) were crowded inside. They were using sheriff to direct traffic on the ramps-inside! NUTS! We skipped over quite a bit, and poor Trevor missed out on Playscape due to lines wrapping around the ramps, but Ty enjoyed all that he was able to see-especially the comic book exhibit! I enjoyed Bazbeaux's and a cold Amstel Light following the whole experience. The lesson here: Never attend free day in a bad economy, and if you are going to, make sure you can get to a cold beer quickly after leaving! Let it be said, that it is also wise to take grandma if you intend to brave the crowds....and wait until the last minute to tell her it is free day...and get her to that cold beer as fast as you can drive!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tyler's Ninth Birthday!

I can't believe that my sweet boy is nine. He has grown so fast, and he is such a good boy. He has the most tender heart, and the brain of a wise old man. His energy is like no other, and his creativity constantly blows my mind. Ty is a joy in our lives, and no one more than his baby brother. Trevor now says bubba when he sees Ty, and they smile every time they make eye contact.
We spent the weekend celebrating Ty's birthday. On Friday, Phil and I took Ty, Layla Tucker, Ty's dearest friend-they are more like siblings, and Elijah, a classmate, to the movie to see Paul Blart: Mall Cop, and then we met the rest of the Tucker family-Amanda had Trevor, at BW3's for Ty's favorite Hot Wings! Saturday my dad visited, and we went out to eat. Phil took today off, and stayed home to celebrate the big day, and we opened gifts, had a visit from grandma Chelle and grandpa Mike, and later a visit and dinner with Meme and grandpa Bruce. Ty requested nachos and enchiladas! We haven't seen much of Ty today, though. He is only allowed to play video games on school breaks and his birthday-he has been glued to the Wii.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Playing Catch Up!

I am finally playing catch up after the busy holiday season. After finishing the amazing race we call Christmas, recovering from colds, and ringing in the New year, the Morgan family is finally getting back into the swing of things. Ty went back to school last week, which meant he also went back to basketball, and CSA, and I went back to running my taxi service. We spent Christmas eve eve in Somerset for our annual dinner with the Stevens clan, and then Aunt B and Aunt D arrived that evening. Christmas eve was spent at my house with Dad and Kent and then off to Jonesboro for the Fennimore gathering. I really enjoyed another year with my amazing Great-grandmother in her 90's. We then traveled to my in-laws for dinner that was to be attended by all the Morgan's, but, grandpa Morgan broke his hip(he is recovering slowly, but is ok) so we had dinner just grandpa Mike and grandma Chelle, and all of us. We headed home to get everything ready for Santa and then the kids were in bed. We woke up Christmas morning and the big guy had been here and both children were filled with joy. We then headed back to the in-laws for our annual breakfast, and gifts. It was back home for a quick change of clothes and then off to the lake in the afternoon, where we finally relaxed and opened present for what Phil informed me was six hours-my mother has a way of spoiling us! My mother made a great meal,my sis and Debbie were there, my cousins were there, and my grandma, who enjoyed having things taken care of by mom this year. Following Christmas we all ended up with colds, including Trevor, who had in his eight months of life, not yet been sick. Everyone recovered by New Years, and off the kids went to grandpa Mike and grandma Chelle's. Phil and I attended a little pre-party at the home of Nathan King, and his girlfriend Mandy, who was celebrating her birthday that evening. For the first time ever, Phil and I then headed to the PC to ring in the New Year, where we found that many of our friends had the same idea, and we were surrounded by many great friends, old and new. This year, starting Tuesday, I will be heading back to school, at IUK to finish my degree. This new year brings many new challenges, and many new adventures. While I can't believe that my oldest is soon to be nine, and the youngest very nearly walking, I treasure each day, and the many joys this family brings me. I hope you enjoy cathcing up with us. How about that loot those kids ended up with....Ty put together 3000 Lego pieces over break, and Trevor enjoyed an empty box about as much as his new toys. It has taken me the last few weeks to try to stuff all of it into my tiny house. This video is Trevor with his favorite toy...and he has started dancing...he really moves to any music! So cute.