I just can't believe how fast the last year has gone by. Trevor James, our 7lb 13.2oz 20 1/4in baby, is now a toddler. He is running around, talking to us, and filling us with joy. Oh, Trev, you have brought your mommy and daddy, and your bubby, so much joy in the last twelve months.
We spent today, just Trevor, daddy, and I, having lunch, and getting pictures taken, and then when bubby got home from school, me made a spaghetti and meatball dinner, and a yummy cake. Trevor enjoyed both, and made quite the mess. Trevor will be having a birthday party Saturday with family and just a few very close friends. We are looking forward to having everyone together to celebrate our sweet boy.
Here is a little bit about who Trevor is:
Trevor is quite the bruiser, and he has no fear. He will eat anything, and he loves to dance. Today was Trev's last day to nurse, and he has been off the bottle in the evening for about two weeks. We have him all switched over to cow's milk, and he is doing well. He adjusts to change very well. He is sleeping a solid twelve hours at night-7pm to 7am, and he is still taking two naps a day, about two hours in the morning, and about an hour in the afternoon. He loves to play ball, dance to the Hot Dog song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, although, he doesn't watch tv, just that one song, he is too busy to sit and watch tv, and watch his daddy work outside. He loves his books, especially Peek-A-Who, and Animal Noises. He is very social, and will wave to anyone. He is not ever shy, and is full of smiles. He likes to play Pat-A-Cake, and is starting to point to body parts. He can say mama, dada, bubba, moo, no, uh-oh, ball, hot dog(separate and together), he says ahhhahhh when he is snuggling, yum, and he hums when he dances. He is trying to say many other words, including more, and book, but these are the words he says very clearly. He is still only signing milk, more, and all done, but we have begun to work on change, and eat.
He amazes me every day with all that he is learning, and how fast he is growing and changing. We are so happy that God gave us such a wonderful gift. He has been such a blessing.
Happy Birthday, Trevor Doodle!
Happy Birthday Trevor! We love you! Joe, Amanda and Wyatt
I wish we could remember our first birthdays. If you smear cake all over your face as an adult, people don't think it's as cute. Happy Birthday Trevor. May you enjoy each birthday as much as the 1st!
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